
Utah Hills

Connor Wagner posted,

As the dry season is coming back in full swing I would like to
board with some new boarders. If there is any Utah boarders
who wanna go shred or bomb call me at 801-597-1431!
Also we encourage people to come check out are hills and
such, most say we have the best inner city hills ever seen.
CALL US!!! we only have like 5 of us who are into DH skaters
in this state.

2009 February 24 1:29 AM

the slimer replied,

hahah buddy, one word for yea... BC

2009 February 24 12:42 PM

Spector replied,

Squaw is still covered in 2+ feet of snow, that's as of just a few days ago. However, we are looking at lots of warm weather coming up. I wouldn't recommend driving very far without it being confirmed snow-less. I'll post when it is.

2009 February 25 12:09 AM