

Derek posted,

ive always really wanted to bomb cypress and have never tried, anyone wanan do it with me, but all i got is the normal shit liek knee,elbow pads, gloves, and a fullface, and i dont meen to seem pussy but do peopel do it without leathers?

2009 February 27 1:42 AM

Derek replied,

im 14 by the way so if anyone's ghoin up itd be awsome if they didnt mind me taggin along

2009 February 27 1:44 AM

Derek replied,

wut i can do too is liek i have these kidney pads from lacrosse and im sure i cud find one of my dads motorcycle jackets and i cud use hockey shinpads so i think ide be good, o and a fullface ovcoarse, how tight r the hairpins thoe? cuz depending on how hard tehy are i mite ened to work on ma footbreaking! haha i can do it around 50kmh but any higher and i start feeling a bit skech

2009 February 27 9:52 PM

Derek replied,

my legs r fine dude ive done long bombs before just not on a mountain, my top speeds like 60/70 kmhso this isnt that big of a step up, the only reason i wudnt go faster is i dont even no anywere to go!

2009 February 27 10:43 PM

phil- theOMGWTFBBQ replied,

Yeah, the slimer is right. Cypress isn't the steepest of hills, but its something that I recommend you do in sections. But more often than not, after each corner we stop, re-group, take a deep breath and charge again!

2009 February 28 12:33 PM

Derek replied,

My moms pretty sketch about letting me go and who can really blame her, what kind of safety shit goes down for one of tese things

2009 February 28 9:25 PM