
Why do people hate longboarders???

acetree posted,

I was on the seawall a while ago and an old lady yelled at me, someone tried (and failed) to push me off my board and someone even called the police!!! (the cop turned out to be my old DARE teacher which was funny)
Also I've had three people try to run me over (I'm talking about actually trying to hit me.
Even when I'm not skating and just holding the board I get harassed.
WTF is this just in West Van or is this happening everywhere?

2009 March 22 2:07 AM

blankman replied,

its not the longboard, its you.

2009 March 22 2:18 AM

Leo replied,

hey, who are you? sounds like I live near you,
maybe we could skate sometime? me and my friend
were bombing fulton from 11th, probably over the
speed limit, and this car sped up and almost drove
us off the road! he stopped and started yelling, we
just said k, sorry, have a nice day and he left. HE
friggin broke the speed limit to catch up to us! i
definetly sympathize here, but wat can you do rite?
they're not really our roads unfortunately

2009 March 22 12:31 PM

andrew...from langley replied,

be nice, when there pissed and your nice, it pisses them off even more. When people yell at me, I stop and ask them to try my board out, sometimes people yell at what they don't understand. , also, picking up your board when being yelled at ends a lot of confrontation really quick, when they realize you have an overly large piece of would in your hands...but all in all be nice.

2009 March 23 10:20 AM