
Do it for Maryhill this weekend

unklee posted,

get insurance. The medical system in the US is banged up. I
just booked a policy over the phone in minutes from TRAVEL
CUTS that covers amateur sport for $16 total. We don't need
another repeat from last year. email me if you want more

2009 March 25 1:44 PM

"one Eye' replied,

I just got a $2,400.00 medical bill in the mail from last months crash! I got a bill in the mail for $1,600.00 for hospital and emergency fees, then a few days later I get another $800.00 bill for the damn doctor. I was in there for about 2 hours and it took them about 15 minutes to put 13 stitches in, oh yah and a few xrays=$2,400.00!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!fuK

Get insurance, the fees are rediK!!!

2009 March 25 3:08 PM

english replied,

when i did mary for ww1 I went to a place on 4th and alma (in that little complex with the liquor store)

20 bucks for the whole weekend and 2 million coverage 0 deductable.

worth it

2009 March 25 4:12 PM