
No Helmets=Dumbasses

Connor Wagner posted,

I am posting all the way from Utah because I feel strongly
about the importance of a helmet. A local Cali or local
Utah company that goes by the name Insane Asylum
longboards brags about how they don't wear helmets or
don't see the importance of them. I met some of these
guys at a local hill and not only were they slow as balls
but they had the insane idea that air braking with a
blanket is better than a helmet, there website clearly
promotes this stupid idea.

Check it out if you want to. .

As Bricin always says: WEAR A FUCKING HELMET!!!!!

2009 March 25 3:31 PM

english replied,

they sound like douchebags. I wouldn't skate down a hill with them.

2009 March 25 3:41 PM

Shello replied,

Only the safe survive... the stupid succumb

2009 March 25 8:31 PM