
what the fuck has happened to coast?

speedy posted,

I know half the peeps out there are gonna bag on this right away, but fuck it. When I first dicovered CLBC about 5 years ago,from far away in onterrible, the messege board was filled with posts about sessions, gear, video clips and a sense of,for lack of a better word family. A family that cursed and swore, bombed hills together and generally carried on in a rowdy yet positive vibe. Now days almost every post is dotted with bullshit blankmen and other piss ant little fucks and their bitching and negative comments. Its getting to the point where all people do is trash each other and other sites. Strike, my hat is off to you and the crew who started Coast and keep it running, but now CLBC has grown a little and become not much more than a room full of spoilled, imature little pricks. To all of you out there who use Coast in a positive way(races,videos,sessions,gear trading and intelligent discussion) please don't stop, your the best part of coast. And those of you who only bitch and fight and bag each other, do us all a favor and fuck off to another site and leave this one for peeps who are spreading stoke!!!

ride hard, ride fast, safety first!!


2009 March 30 9:04 PM

nick780 replied,

Coast has taught me a lot over the years. I'd hate to see it change from what I've always known it to be. But, with the sport growing like it is, it's inevitable that we'll get some people who dive in without knowing the 'rules.'

Keep posting all the good stuff that we like to see, lead by example, and don't feed the trolls. With spring coming, we're going to see a spike of new people and some of them will go overboard. We can either feed negativity with negativity, or ignore the junk, keep the good stuff rolling, and hope that those who don't belong just lose interest.

If anything, let all disputes be settled on the hill, and make sure to post pictures of the session after it's all worked out.

2009 March 30 10:35 PM

derek replied,


2009 March 30 10:46 PM

Tyson replied,

You can always tell when people have hit the bong too hard when they rabble on to the edge of sanity, but then turn it around into a miracle speech.

I know you wanted a reply like that. :)
Have a grudgy post you faggets!
Stop , dear Tyson, before you go to far into paragraph territory. Shit, fuck me , a different paragraph. ITS GOING THE SHITS.

2009 March 31 12:10 AM


I used to use coast nearly every waking hour of the day when I wasn't riding. Now I use it a few times a month because there are allot of annoying kids on it.
I learned how to ride from this site. With out it I would never had learned how to slide and I'd still be working in a grey dingy factory in southern Ontario. This site changed my life (I'd like to think way for the better) but until the majority of its users mature a little more I will be driven away by the majority of messages that are on it. It's not worth the time to sift through the crap. I love this site and I love the coast family. You still exist under all the clutter on this site. I just catch up with you at the races now.

Go skate

2009 March 31 8:53 AM

andrew...from langley replied,

I went skating tonight and am fuckin sore as hell. I will get up and do it all again tomorrow. Thats what coast is about....fuck yeah...skate.

2009 March 31 10:30 PM

Graeme replied,

Doesn't it seem more like Silverfish when we have people posting about the good ol' days?

2009 March 31 11:30 PM