

the griZZ posted,

Anyone want to go fast meet at bon's at 730 am! Supposed to be +16 tomorrow!! I don't have wheels but will pay the gas for whoever drives!! Let's do this!! Give me a shout at 778 908 5046 if ya got wheels!! Graham you still bringing your van? Adrian, STRIKER? Seize the moment mofos!

2009 April 3 7:59 PM

english replied,

I'd be down but I can't shuttle in my car. I'd drive the landy van!

2009 April 3 8:34 PM

kate or die replied,

Eta at cyps is probably 9-9:30? If we make it to bons on time, we'll have 2 or 3 extra seats in our car too for anyone! Don't get off work till 8 though, so may just drive straight to the hill...ill make sure to post in the morning if we got extra room!

Stoked! Cypress is a perfect run right now!

New leathers+trusty topmount=fuck you sweetheart, your goin down!!! (In my dreams...) Haha!

2009 April 3 11:59 PM

andrew...from langley replied,


2009 April 4 8:08 AM