
Chek news tonight

Point posted,

Here's an unfortunate news story outta vic, starts about 3
minutes in. Logan, you're in this one.

Wear yer damn helmets!

2009 April 12 7:03 PM


way to go, grab some beers and get fuckng run over now thats thinking. well i'm glad the guys not DEAD, learned a good leson i bet

2009 April 12 7:21 PM

Soul Boy replied,

its a tough board sport to be in. you really gotta be confident and SKILLED in not getting yourself hurt like that. Play on closed off roads and obey ALL TRAFFIC signs!! Skate Safe of Skate and DIE

2009 April 12 10:24 PM

kylewein replied,

longboarders hittin longboarders???

2009 April 13 1:33 AM

ravenclawzz replied,

The guy is a fucktard. Nuff said. Watching the clip, he doesn't even look like he learned much of a lesson...

2009 April 13 12:25 PM

raffle replied,

wear your fucking helmets people

2009 April 13 1:29 PM

Suicide Buff replied,

A few clues as to why I think the kid was a complete N00B:

1.) they were interviewing him with his broken board. It was an expensive looking board, looked like a Demonseed. The top side looked pristine, very clean, almost unused. Sure could've been just a new board, but.....

2.) ...anyone who was NOT a noob would KNOW that going down that hill (or any hill) can gain you some SERIOUS fucking momentum on a speed board, or any longboard... WAY more momentum than you can possibly stop with JUST YOUR FOOT.

If you cannot look at a hill and judge the potential speed and danger that it presents AND assess what skills you will need (or have) to ride it in control, you do not have enough experience to tackle hills yet. DON'T DO IT.

2009 April 13 3:54 PM