
Old Landy Question

Point posted,

What is this thing? Is there a name for this model? I've had
her since '98, and I still have no idea what to call it when
people ask me. She's got "(604) 925-1555 #016" written
on the bottom in bic pen beneath the glass. Is the "#016"
merely a phone extension, or is this the 16th deck or
model from landy? Have many of these survived the last

She came outfitted with 70mm kryptos and indy 215's,
which I've recently swapped out for grizzly's and
superballs, now she zooms pretty solidly. Used to turn
into a trampoline above about 35km.

2009 April 13 5:00 PM

Point replied,

damn pics didn't embed... lemme try again...

If this fails, you can click the thing that's supposed
to be a pic.

2009 April 13 5:12 PM

ravenclawzz replied,

I dunno what it is, but it looks fun to ride =) Why dontcha try contacting the people at Landyachtz? There's a contact thingy on their website...

2009 April 13 5:53 PM

Tripped replied,

ya, i seen that board right above where dumptruck sleeps, except it's painted yellow.

2009 April 14 2:39 AM