
is longboarding legal in Burnaby?

DErek posted,

i bomb this hll almost everyday to get to school and it runs right by a cop shop wich ive never had troubles with, but one day a cop actually persued me and made me stop. he was curtiouse and explained that i could get a ticket for it. i basically put on the hole "o i didnt know, im sorry" routine to this guy just to get out of this suposed "ticket". was he just bluffing or is there a actual law prohibiting it?

2009 April 21 9:09 PM

BadnerGram replied,

bylaw in burnaby says there is NO SKATEBOARDING ON ANY ROADWAY. (Sec 21)
That being said, not all cops are familiar with all of the bylaws (unless, obviously, if they are a bylaw officer). So if they are issueing you a ticket (say for speeding) and don't mention anything about a bylaw, thank them for the ticket and you can easily dispute it.
However fighting the "no skateboarding on roadway" bilaw ticket will probably not fly, but thankfully its only 25 bones! Less than a chairlift up Cypress.

2009 April 21 9:24 PM

DErek replied,

ye and this was one cop out of all of them ive passed who gave me shit

2009 April 21 9:37 PM

DErek replied,

ye sorry i didnt meen he was a hassle he wus good and all, theres no way we could petition this could we?

2009 April 21 10:23 PM

DErek replied,

ye true, but i dont need shit asked of me to do it right, if i think its unfair ill say something, unfortunately people need a lot of supporters to get ther way, for example people hav been trying to get weed legal and how many people are behind this idea, yet its been turned down at all requests

2009 April 21 10:50 PM

fiji flash replied,

skate the world b4 it blows up yeeeeaaaaahhhhhh!

2009 April 27 3:59 PM