
Coast Longboarding Epidemic!

K-Rimes posted,

Health Canada has it completely wrong with the Swine
Flu... The real threat these days is the longboarding
epidemic we're seeing on such an amazing scale. Today I
witnessed the most peculiar thing while out riding my
skateboard in my local home hills, the British Properties.

What I saw was the development far beyond what I had
expected to see in such a short amount of time... A group
of longboarders that far outnumbered our, what I thought
to be, strong mob of one van, and a Civic packed to the
brim full of skateboarders and skateboards. There were 12
younger riders, fully clad in gloves, helmets, and pads and
riding on nearly new, or well used and known downhill
boards from the local companies of Rayne and
Landyachtz. These riders were a sight I had never
imagined up in those hills in such number and solely
carried up via the small Whitby Estates bus.

In such a shock as to seeing such a gigantic squad of
riders completely unattached from Coast, but well aware
of helmets, routes/runs, and equipment, I was unable to
express my wishes to skate with the crew in plain english.
We headed up the final section of the run to meet up with
the rest of the crew and we'd asked this group to wait...
and only ended up catching them at the bottom of one of
the hardest, fastest, most technical and car filled runs
available in Vancouver... Following which they ended up
shooting "the gauntlet" between cars and curb,
footbraking down the steeps of lower West Van and 21st

This is insanity. The numbers, the bravado, and the
connection of this group was palpable....

My hat is off to the riders that are coming up... And
shredding what we didn't think to, or want to before. All I
can ask is that they skate with the more experienced to
learn the safest ways and methods to do what they love
just as much as we do and to keep doing it for the years
to come.

2009 May 1 10:01 PM

the slimer replied,

ya you'd be surprised, in north delta there is numerous skaters i know that don't race or come on here, and they are fast down the hills!!!

2009 May 1 10:22 PM

urbs tall kid with dseed replied,

A couple months back a bunch of kids who are like 13 asked me to show em how to skate fast. they all have landyachtz boards. so i show em how to tuck and i thought it was awesome to see youngins shred the gnar

2009 May 2 3:15 AM

2step replied,

report from pender: 4 more new riders in the last 3 months, and soon to be lots more, since all the little kids in elementary school ca nsacve up their cash and go to the petstore at lunch time to the pet store and get a new board

2009 May 2 8:16 AM

Jimmy replied,

That's awesome Kevin!

2009 May 2 9:58 AM

kmac from pender replied,

pender harbour reporting for duty, scene is growing out in this little pocket of gnar, 3 little longboarders were skating when i was doing the ''loop'' and took them out, showed em how to tuck and they loved it.

2009 May 2 12:25 PM