
Cypress Saturday!!

Osl posted,

On Saturday, some of the Chilliwack guys and Myself are gona hit up Cypress mountain around 12-1.... Ive only skated it once and they have never bombed it. The time I did it I never had leathers, so now that we all got some this time will be so much more fun.
If anyone wants to join us you are more than welcome. We are shooting to be there by 12 but we will be posting incase plans change.
I don't mind picking one or two people up if its on the way.

- Osl

2009 May 3 10:11 PM

Jonny Tuck replied,

Why don't we have it before the saturday session?

2009 May 3 10:29 PM

raffle replied,

im so down for this got room for one more?????

2009 May 4 4:25 PM

Leo replied,

hey me and matias would love to hit this up!! Could
anyone give us a ride up from the top of the access
road at 10/10 30?? We've both got gas money!!

2009 May 5 11:05 PM