
Anyone not going to DB lets skate!!

Matias posted,

so leo and i arent going to db. didnt register in time and have no other way of getting up there, no money or place to stay.
anyone else that has the same deal that wants to skate post up and we shall figure something out.

going to be skating british properties, whitby estates, skyline drive, that type of thing.


2009 May 12 3:33 PM

english replied,

matias, me and jude are heading up to the bps for some bus runs today (friday)

5pm on

call me up

2009 May 15 3:53 PM

Leo replied,

hey english how bout tommorow?? im goin for a
couple runs tonite, but its with my kinda noobish
frend, just showin him around the bp's. tommorow we
r SHREDDING!!!!!! cant wait o man

2009 May 15 6:38 PM