
New West Pictures from 10/05/09

TrippedSEAN posted,

Unfortunately I'm stuck with a free photobucket account, which downscales all my images to 1mb. If you need anything in high resolution for some reason, let me know and we'll work it out.

Oh ya, ran into a fire juggler in English Bay later that night, so I threw 'em in!

2009 May 13 11:24 AM

TrippedSEAN replied,

2009 May 13 11:32 AM

TrippedSEAN replied,

Oh ya Adrian, just about forgot, was gonna ask you somethin.

What kinda settings do you usually shoot with? for these shots I was usually shooting 300-400 ISO, and while I tried to keep my aperture up there, it was sometimes lower. Also, I realized my shutterspeed was kinda low after looking at the pics on my comp.

2009 May 13 9:52 PM