
Colabo Video Screening FRIDAY NIGHT DB

Danpape posted,

Hey DBayers!! I know Bricin planned on putting this up on the front page. I also know he is so effin busy that he would never have been able to do it. Mc Goldrick just gave me the update on the crazy hay bail experience and running around to get bails for the race. Bastard sold the DB Hay!!! Mothersucker! Anyhow, just to clarify, the hay bail crew got it done and DAAAAAAAAAAAAAnger Bay is going down!

Focus Pape, focus.........ok, so Bricin has been kind enough to rock some videos on the projector. And we're going to play The Fellowship of the Bearing on Friday night........time to be determined by Strike!~ If you have a good Longboard Video in your colleK, bring it down!


Colabo presents, The Fellowship of the Bearing release party from on Vimeo.

2009 May 14 11:26 AM

Benjamin for QC replied,

I got a new speedboarding HD movie from QuÉBEC riders that is not release yet but i got a demo witouth the menu and the generic(the movie will be release in a few weeks). The name is Undercover! I can bring it, im arriving saturday between the morning and the afternoon.

2009 May 14 11:40 AM