
I need your help

Anna posted,

Hey. I just got my first board a few weeks ago. Any one
wanna teach me how to longboard?

2009 June 7 12:36 AM

Chiara replied,

You live here in Van?

Take it to the seawall and learn to push around for
a start. That's where I learned ;)

Once you're comfortable pushing and cruising start
poaching sessions and learn from observation and

Parking garages are also a really great place to start
and I'm sure there are tons of people out skatin'

2009 June 7 9:52 AM

ava replied,

if you ever wanna go do the seawall with some company gimme a shout 604 345 0848 im always down for a cruise

2009 June 7 1:22 PM

cityscape replied,


congrats on your new longboard!
where do you live? i'll go skating with you.. i'm still new and not that good, but i know what's what... can't teach you how to slide or anything..

2009 June 9 12:00 AM

Bee replied,

Hey, I'm a girl that's new to longboarding too. If any of you ever want to ride, let me know.

2009 June 9 11:40 PM