
Congrats to Vernon Racers!

Danny Connor posted,

Fuck yeah Mischo! I bet it feels awesome throwing and winning a race in your home town, you deserve it bud...Brianne, high-5 yourself for my team-mate KATEBOARDER...another trip to the podium eh? I'm proud of you!

So, how was the party this year? Anyone wake up in the hall of the hotel? Any swing-dancing?

2009 June 15 8:14 PM

english replied,

i know shadow was high jumping tents and almost squished mcgoldies head.

2009 June 15 8:29 PM

Kate or die replied,

Hey DC! Yeah, come to sully!!! I believe its what, third weekend of July? That race is my FAVORITE! This weekend was rad, but by far way less partying than last year, probably since you fools weren't in town though! Haha! Although...the Sunday night drink fest was on for our sector van, we finally stayed at the campsite and all I remember is a few 15 packs, a bottle of tequila, 2 bottles of wine And a shit load of daqiries and double ceasers at the bar before hand. Langer was an excellent pre historic Taradactol, and Mat won the party after passing out in a bush in the middle of the Forrest (hell yeah for getting 4th place though!) I on the other hand have pretty much been in bed since I woke up at the campsite yesterday. Seriously. Mat did NOT need to crack my drunk ass that second bottle of wine... I didn't start it, but I sure as hell finished it! Ugh.

Canada vs danny Connor! We'll see you at sully!

2009 June 16 11:26 AM

Chris Chaput replied,

Yes Danny, I have to agree with you. Mischo worked his ass off to make this race happen for two days with lots of practice runs, 2 timed qualifying runs, free food, free shirts, free aluminum water bottles, free Biltin Bearings, free Reflex Bushings, free Pelican cases and free stickers for every single racer in attendance. He didn't even get practice runs himself and nailed the top qualifying spot for himself. He came from behind to win every round and earned himself the victory. I think that he outright DESERVED this victory and a boatload of respect because he worked so hard to make it happen. He killed it Silverstar too. He is such a good person, such a great sport, and such a fast skater that my hat is off to him (exposing my shiny bald head to the masses).

Sorry if I sound like a proud parent or something, but I'm stoked to get behind a winner like Mischo. I hope we get to race together soon Danny. KateBoarder and Langer were representin' in Vernon, stylin' all the way ...


2009 June 16 2:04 PM