
shred the gnar


fuckin sick party eh ! radical riding all day we even had a warm up party this year. first corner warm up session : mike benda thrashing standup threesixties into the evenly radi' , and evenly banked right hand hair pin of honeysucle drive. kyle martin rosedale super fast one eightys into switch around the corner...all standup. InZane from chilliwack got his first roadrash and was totally stoked to be in the landyachtz van for the day with buddy , jonathan who was rippin on his new chinook. wolf was riding a crazy chopshoped topmount. then came grandview drive ! grizz almost got totally roasted by a reallly dumb driver and gopro caught all the action. the road was in a little worst condition than last year espically on the top on chilliwack mountain road with the nice shikane in it fuck i'm tired i'll finish this later thanks for coming out

2009 July 6 12:44 AM

wes replied,

good times brian good times i know what i've been missing now. i'll be back

2009 July 6 6:52 AM