
Boarders Dropping Like Flys!

off axis posted,

As a group of us witnessed for our own eyes, just as we were about to head up towards Shangrila parkade, when some of us noticed a fallen skateboarder laying on the sidewalk with cops all around the area and things just starting to get taken care of. this guy was wearing a helmet on his backpack and he was foaming and having pretty heavy seizures and convulsing on the ground. How horrible!! As we skated by the scene, one cop looked at us and said, Hey, he was on a skateboard ya know! to which "scab" says back, thats not the issue, he wasn't wearing a helmet!

I guess some cops still think of skateboarding as an outlaw thing and wearing safety gear looked as it not being necessary to wear. To me, thats just plain stupid.

2009 July 12 2:43 AM

english replied,

holy shit! What the fuck.

It has been BAD lately. A few weeks ago I read a 13 year old died hitting his head trying an everyday kickflip on his driveway.

His dad said "he usually wears his helmet but he said he was only going into the driveway to play around and I thought it'd be ok"

Go buy a new lid so you WANT to wear it, and donate the one you have to someone who needs it.

2009 July 12 11:51 AM

urbs hasa dseed replied,

Dont forget about the guy who said "it would be an honor to die skateboarding" just as we left the Cambie spiral.

2009 July 12 12:42 PM

madbomber replied,

eat a dick scab, its my choice to wear a helmet or not. if you dont like it go cry to mommy. i know full well the danger i put myself in by not wearing a helmet, but im also confident enough on my board that i trust myself to not get in a sketchy situation. eg: coming down thurlow, i noticed construction going on, so instead of carving down like a normally would i got off and walked because i knew i had no helmet and my familiarity with the environment was compromised. not to mention i had my camera with me, so i was pretty much takin er easy the whole day. just because someone isnt wearing a helmet doesnt make them a retard, besides theres still a million other ways to die skating, helmets are only the tip of the iceberg. anyway im all about helmet safetey and im not saying you shouldnt wear one, but you dont have to be a fucking douchebag about it.

2009 July 12 2:33 PM

fakpan replied,

it is in every way more COOL
to wear a helmet.
i even wear my helmet when in cars sometimes.
i take the helmet off to shower to save the waterdamage, but you know i might slip on a patch of shampoo and crack my head anyway.
thats why when i'm out in the big world,
doing things i couldnt do when i was 2 years old,
i have this hard thing around my head that looks stellar and saves my brains.

you'll come across people fellas that think helmets aren't cool,
but those are much like computer nerds who think girls and life aren't cool

natural selection will ween them out

2009 July 12 5:34 PM

urbs says WEAR YOUR FUCKING HELMET replied,

Tonight i was out skating and iv bailed and landed on my left shoulder after doing a front flip on my head. my helmet may have just saved my life. you people need to face the facts that you arent invincible and i dont wanna see guys becoming veggies because of preventable head injurys. lets keep this sport safe and fun and shred the JANK

2009 July 14 8:42 PM