
^^>>^^ Colabo Calgary Early - THIS TUESDAY

Dan Pape posted,

Hey Calgary crew, I'm heading up early to the Poo 3 - leave a message on my cell if you want to hook up - Stoked to Film! I'll be in the downtownish type of area at a bros house. 604.710.2587 - no email I reckon for a bit......

oh my, am I ever excited......

2009 July 20 10:11 AM

Scotty From Calgary replied,

OH FUCK YEAH! sounds like a deal! theres actually gonna be a pre-party on wednesday at the ROYAL board shop.
i don't know where the shop is exactly, but keep in touch on
can't wait to show you a good time here in cow-town! you'll probably get SOME footage, but just keep your eyes/ears peeled

2009 July 20 5:55 PM