
Gabriola today!

fakpan posted,

Hey so a few switchbackers should be heading over there today either on the 1:55 or 3:45 ferry if anybody is interested and can make it post up

2009 July 27 11:42 AM

fakpan replied,


2009 July 27 12:45 PM

fakpan replied,

shit man sorry i didnt leave a number. it was a good day of roadrash and scopin. theres some good stuff out there

2009 July 27 11:25 PM

fakpan replied,

we drove the whole loop, skated most everything. found an 18 percent and had the cops on us in ten minutes ha

2009 July 27 11:32 PM

fakpan replied,

we hit up all the sideroads aswell
brickyard is gnar but this other 18 percent has a big 180 right into left roller then left hairpin. with pavement like godzillas butthole

2009 July 27 11:40 PM