
seeking jimmy

jazzgirl posted,

hey Dude, how do I get in touch with you? "Managing' Team gfreen & Scoot, and having a photo shoot for Concrete wave's fall issue spread on team gree on August 9, 2pm.

Can you travel up? And i alos have a bunch of questions for the team members to answer for me for Michael's article.

please email me at


2009 July 29 1:20 PM

jazzgirl replied,

hey Dude, may be moving the pic date to Aug 15th, if the wave can cut us some time slack...would be GREAT to hve you in it!

2009 July 29 2:15 PM

Jimmy Flindt replied,

sounds good...i'll email you this evening;-)

2009 July 29 7:44 PM