
Pogo Brake

Wind Ninja posted,

I don't know how many of you have seen this, but Pogo has come out with a brake you step on with your back foot. If you want to see it there is a description on the fish.

I for one think is should be kept out of races, but I would like to hear from people who have actualy seen it in action.

Anyone in Europe have an opinion on this?

2009 August 4 6:14 PM

scab replied,

what a piece of shit. beginners shouldnt even use that cause it wont teach you anything. sliding and putting your hand down , railing corners is part of the sport. dont wear out your shoes, wear out your wheels! slide like they are made for. if i actually saw someone with one of those it would make my day cause id laugh so fucking hard !! hahahahahaha

2009 August 4 6:31 PM