
Mt Wash Outlaw Sun Aug 16 w/ poster

Big J posted,

not sure if the pic'll work so here's the link to the image:

As some of you heard, It's an outlaw race again this year. I ran out of time and had a great deal of communication issues with the ministry of transportation and other people. For that, I apologize. It's still gonna be awesome. Also, it's way cheaper registration than it woulda been.
Oh ya. I need volunteers, shuttles and a first aid dude. If you can help, email me
see ya there,

2009 August 6 10:23 PM

DRC replied,

Siiiccck. My new leathers got shipped on Monday.. Here's hoping they get here on time!

2009 August 6 10:47 PM

kmac from pender replied,

erik, if you are in egmont on the day b4 can i catch a ride, its kesley, the tall dude from pender, it would be well appreciated and i will have $$$$ for gas

2009 August 7 12:24 AM

J-Prime replied,


2009 August 8 8:44 PM

tynan eggler replied,

yo logan the bottom is the fastest for sure, its slower if you're a bitch and airbrake cause the turns are tighter but i mean its 4% steeper

2009 August 12 10:58 PM