
Ride to Giant's Head

BChap posted,

Title says it all, ride both ways would be nice but I'm not going to be picky. I got cash for gas or whatever you end up using it for.
Shoot me an email or leave yours if you can help me out.

2009 August 10 10:38 PM

seayou replied,

G/f and I are heading up Saturday morning-ish. You would miss most of the Saturday freeriding.. but yeah, just throwing it out there.

Toss me an email if it works.

2009 August 11 9:55 AM

Dano replied,

spend alittle time and look at others posts. acouple days ago Dion is advertising acouple seats in his Van. look for his post and hit him up.

2009 August 11 1:02 PM