
Randal 180s over 100kph

tynan eggler posted,

i recently sold my smokies and bought randals and have have enjoyed them so much more than the smokie. Im just not sure how stable they will be over 100. I am curious to hear the opinions of people that have hit 100-110 on 180s. i have green venom barrel bottoms and red barrel tops.

2009 August 14 11:46 AM

Bear replied,

before I bought you smokies (which are awesome) I rode Pink randals 180's and I took them up to around 86km/h and they were solid for the most part.
I'm sure they'd be amazing at 100

2009 August 14 11:57 AM

fakpan replied,

the man has spoken

2009 August 14 4:41 PM

Jimmy replied,

I trust my Randal 180's at speed!

2009 August 16 8:26 AM