

Quinn's mom-Erian posted,

Hey All,

We'd like to invite you out to a kayaking night at Deep Cove Canoe and Kayak on MONDAY AUGUST 31st from 6pm to 8pm...

We're offering a special prices that Monday for Coasties with single kayaks at $20 and doubles at $30 for 2 hours...10% of all proceeds will go to a Coast cause of Strikers 604-929-canu to make a reservation or if you have any questions...

(NOTE...if you are under 18 you'll need to bring a waiver that you can get off our website and...the Raven Pub is close by so please wait till AFTER kayaking for your Pilsners or other refreshments...)

Cheers and hope you can join us...
Erian, Quinn and family

2009 August 16 2:13 AM

DRC replied,

If was anywhere near I would LOVE to go.

Kayaking is the shit, if you haven't gone. GO!

2009 August 16 2:32 PM

Smitty in Gibsons replied,

Stupid WORK! I should go back to being a bum, so I have some spare time.

Thanks for the invite, though!


2009 August 16 4:29 PM

kate or die replied,

Im in!!!!

2009 August 18 6:01 PM

kate or die replied,

no fun allowed

2009 August 19 12:17 PM