
Eric from Whistler

Eric posted,

So this is where it is happenning! I've been living in Whistler for 4 months now and I just figured now where you guys were posting shit on this site! Blame my french.

So you saw me at DB8 and Gold Rush but I've been off my skate since. DB8 got me on the first night! I fucked my ankle wrestling Fat AJ Powell off my back in the mush pit. He's heavy and I think of his fat arse every now and then when my weakened ankle slows me down. Been thinkin of getting back on that beautyful Kadenwood. Sure will get to visit the Vancouver hills if it turns out good.


PS. If you meet AJ Powell, slap him on the butt and tell him to cut down on the Mama's cookin.

2009 August 16 11:55 PM