
RTG2 Vid

seayou posted,

Well, the video quality isn't that great... It was my point and click... so yeah.

This was at "radio 2" (corners 3 and 4). There was some great action on this turn(s)! Volunteering at it's finest... I must say. I had a blast.

I got a ton of photos too coming soon. Better quality... lol.

2009 August 18 10:19 AM

Jonny from the Wack replied,

Awesome video. I'm definitely going to try and get myself on this hill!

2009 August 18 10:52 AM

JuX replied,

Thanks for the video dude that's awesomely epic!!

2009 August 18 12:48 PM

seayou replied,

Thanks guys,

On that Serial pass and the K-Rimes pass, it was so bloody hard to just hold a camera there... lol and not be jumping up and down. Intensity!!

2009 August 18 4:24 PM

raffle replied,

sick dude sucks i couldnt make it out this year to damn busy!!! next year for sure though

2009 August 25 8:28 PM