
CLBC ....Help out local youth...cheers..

Andrew...Langley posted,

Hello Coasties....

I have been working with children and youth and youth at risk pretty much since I was one myself. I have a special case i was hoping to see if I could find help with. I'm looking to put together 2 DH setups free or at very very low coast, for a couple of young dudes that could really use something fun, physical to get into. Government Care won't put out for this kind of stuff "too dangereous" but there super interested and already ride a crappy ass street skate that has seen better years...My goal here is to hook them up, helmets too...To be nice and get them involved and at the very least give them something to do. I can spend a bit of cash on this. I'm not looking for money but used decent condition shit i can use to setup a couple rides. My own $$$ and gear supplies are very limited but I have sets of wheels some random hardware. Post up or email me, or call for more infor and or to donate anything. 604 616 2770

Thanks You
Andrew Watt

2009 August 28 2:38 PM


I probably have something I can swing your way. I think I have some bear trucks kickin around... I'll get back to ya.

2009 August 28 3:18 PM