
So my board fell off a cliff

Chris S posted,

Took a run down Baker with my leathers on,(usually just wear the pants) went to toeside predrift and was a bit constricted from the suit, and ended up high siding. Slid on my stomach for a little bit, and my board went off the side of a road. Long story short, I have spent about 6 hours looking/crawling through extremely heavy brush and trying not to slide down the side of the cliff or whatever. (More like a 60ft drop which is extremely steep but many trees to hold onto)

Maryhill is next week...I was able to order the new flushcut thanks to AJ, but there go my pogos and radikals.

The corner is undisclosed for anyone getting any thoughts (:

Better the board than me!


2009 August 28 5:03 PM

Logan replied,

hmmmm.... maybe risers with avalanche beacons in them instead of lights would be a good idea!

2009 August 28 5:20 PM