

anon posted,

points for this year not including high level. cant find results. u get a point for everyone you beat, i could only locate top 10 and not even all of them! 1ST ZAK MAYTUM: 488. 2nd K-RIMES: 474. 3rd SHNATE: 456. 4th scoot: 443. 5th dalua: 424. 6th james kelly: 348. 7th mischo: 329. 8th zen: 324. 9th billybones: 318. 10th meatball: 226. 11th andrew frm calgary: 193. 12th jomar puertorico: 189. 13th JM duran: 184. 14th woody woodpecker: 145. 15th NICO desmernerner quebec: 132. 16th dubes: 129. 17th josh rolf: 128. 18th travis c. summerlnd: 113. 19th andrew chapmanboy: 112. 20th dillon summerlnd: 105. 21st luke nolland: 97. 22nd patrick switzr: 95. 23d GRIZZ: 94. 24th chris chaput: 90. 25th mike sanders: 77. 26th george mackenzie: 76. 27th mark fry: 73. tied for 28th MADMAX casey morrow, Wolf: 72. 31st hugh johnston: 70. 32nd adam yates: 69. 33d spencer seattle kid: 68. tied for 34th mack wacey and jose from portorico: 66. 36th phil black: 63. 37th mike panda benda pingu: 62. 38th nick jean: 41. 39th brian peck: 39. 40th graham hystead: 38. 41st raggie: 36. 42nd jesse top gun tynan. it would be way more accurate if race organisers released results!!!!

2009 September 9 12:35 PM