
[RESULTS] Montreal 2nd annual push race 2009

Yann posted,

Thanks everybody for showing up! This year's format was a little different. Instead of people at the checkpoints, the riders had to answer a simple question at every checkpoint. Only those who were well prepared made it without loosing themselves too much.

Position/Number of checkpoints cleared/Time/Adjusted Time

1. Louis Ricard (7/7) 1h28/1h28

2. Émile Castonguay (7/7) 1h29/1h29

3. Albert côté Séguin (6/7) 1h24/1h36

4. Jonathan Talbot (6/7) 1h25/1h37

5. Karim Bonneau (7/7) 1h37/1h37

6. Olivier Seguin Leduc (6/7) 1h27/1h39

7. Pierre Michel Brown (6/7) 1h29/1h41

8. Jace Samikov (6/7) 1h29/1h41

9. Tim Koch (7/7) 1h42/1h42

10. Matt Kienzle (6/7) 1h31/1h43

11. Myriam Arsenault Jacques (6/7) 1h35/1h47

12. Guilhem Casaux (6/7) 1h37/1h49

13. Yan Poirier (5/7) 1h28/1h52

14. Olivier Filiatrault (6/7) 1h42/1h54

15. Benoit Lavoie (4/7) 1h27/2h03

16. Fred Fortin (6/7) 2h10/2h22

17. Kel Duplain (5/7) 2h10/2h34

18. Mathieu B. Langlois (4/7) 2h01/2h37

19. Paul St Pierre (3/7) 2h01/2h49

20. Francois Gonthier (6/7) 2h37/2h49

21. Denis Lavoie (1/7) 1h40/2h52

22. Patrick Corbin (1/7) 1h40/2h52

23. Milan Simas (5/7) 2h37/3h01

24. Renée Therrien (5/7) 2h37/3h01

25. Scott Lyn (3/7) 2h32/3h20

26. Maxim Garant Rousseau (1/7) 2h10/3h22

2009 September 15 7:06 AM

Yann replied,

2009 September 15 7:12 AM

dasha replied,

Congrats on 11th place Myriam!! Way to kick the ass of 15 (or more?) men!!!

Way to go Émile for 2nd!!!

2009 September 15 10:32 PM