
New Green Mile Vid!!!

JayViking posted,

Shot the video with a little snapshot digital so don't expect HD quality ;)

This is the run going from Nelson and Burrard chasing green lights all the way to the Cambie Street Bridge.


2009 September 18 3:49 PM

JayViking replied,

Not sure how to edit my post to make that link active....


2009 September 18 3:56 PM

SaffaLiam replied,

Proper twat styles..playing in the traffic. Why post a video of yourself doing it?

2009 September 19 4:06 AM

k-skinz from pender replied,

fuckin retard eh

2009 October 18 3:03 AM

thechad replied,

Ummm, I do believe HBK have no regard for the"rules" of skateboarding. Outlaws make their own. Since when did skating have so many fucxxing babies? i didnt know we were supposed to be role models. Ride on Jay, ride on.

2009 October 24 7:42 PM

k-skinz from pender replied,

thechad is a fuckin faggot, where you helmet you nub

2009 October 24 7:49 PM

thechad replied,

isnt longboarding already illegal? cant the cops take your board away if they want to? Do you really think you'll get more rights to longboard any time soon? Im not saying its right to ride without a helmet, but shit man,
it aint yer fuckin bidness.
cops are going to bust who they want. it comes down to individual diplomacy and how you deal with that cop. Viking didnt get busted. Got a problem? call crimestoppers. Which you probably would.

and usually people who use the word "faggot", usually are. come out of the closet man, its ok.
Ahhh Coast. I remember when you were cool.
And I even wear my helmet.

2009 October 27 4:22 PM

andrew..langley replied,

i'm big on helmets, i saw shit at the bowl this summer that makes me where mine almost 99 percent of the time....don't hate a person for not wearing one....only you can refuse to skate unsafely, you can;t make someone else be safe....

2009 October 27 6:54 PM