
Rotule Longboards - Quebec City

Yan Poirier posted,

Hi, just a word to present a great upcoming company: Rotule Longboards.

Rotule is a high performance and skater- owned longboard manufacturer.

We’ve been developing our boards for two years now, working a lot with composites. You can find a full desription of our most popular board, the Brainwash, here:

This board is fuc*** RAD RAD RAD

You will never have ridden a board that carves this much while being very stable at speeds. This deck is light and aggressive, if you had to choose 1 board to bring for a trip, would be this one. It has a power feedback you won't find anywhere else. It is not a freestyle loaded kind of boards ... it has been designed for carving and stability ... makes it also great for push, freestyle and DH (yes DH, serious DH).

Have also a look at the Speed Karrot (2010)



2009 September 29 11:01 AM