
movin' to Vancouver...

SoundsLikeJersey posted,

yep, that's right, I'm swappin' coasts for a year to attend Vancouver Film School. Should arrive early August 2010. Yes, I know it's a ways away, and most of you are like "wtf do I care" but I'm just trying to find a nice little community to jump into being that I will know absolutely NO ONE when I get to vancouver. Possibly as time goes on, I was hoping to come here and hopefully get some advice on the city and maybe some help finding a place to live. My name is Josh, and I love longboarding.

2009 October 20 9:55 PM

cityscape replied,

hi josh
check craigslist

2009 October 20 10:14 PM


bump. So I know this is a longboarding site...but I'm hoping someone will see this and be able to help me out. I'm getting all my finances in order and I need to figure out how much money, aside from rent, I'm going to need a month. It'd help me out greatly if someone (doesn't have to be here) could let me know what they are spending for: internet, cellphone, regular groceries etc. my email: Thanks!

2009 November 15 8:09 PM