
Stolen killswitch

Charlie posted,

Brandnew killswitch with 42 randals purple 4prez and
red eliminators and viscious. Last seen braid station.

Someone snatched Kyle's new deck this mornng on his
way to work. Obviously a unique setup. If you see it,
unleash and be repaid greatly

2009 November 3 7:21 PM

unkle replied,

shit son! GINGERRRRRRRRRRRR. that fuckin hurts. eyes peeled.

2009 November 3 7:25 PM

raffle replied,

dude that sucks! pretty obvious setup, im sure it will
turn up. ill keep my eyes open for it

2009 November 3 7:41 PM

Kate or Die replied,

well at least we know not many people in van have this board...aside from K-rimes himself I've only seen one other, and this makes the 3rd, although im sure there are a couple kids riding on them by now (who wouldn't want to?!?)

I got an eye out from Langley/surrey/downtown van. We'll get it back to you!!! its a pretty advanced board for just anyone to have!

out of curiosity, was it snatched from your hands? picked up off the ground? left behind? Im asking because i am wondering if you maybe saw something on someone that would make them a little distinct so the coasties dont just go and truck fuck someone who legitimatley owns that board...! haha

2009 November 4 9:42 AM


i have it it rides nice.....:>

2009 November 5 4:26 PM