
New to longboarding

Dave posted,

Hey, I got into longboarding out in Newfoundland and I've moved back to Van, right now, I have a chief wedge pinner, trying to learn to slide on that isn't exactly working out, what would be a good board to learn to slide on? Any help would be great!


2009 November 5 12:48 AM

Misha replied,

hellcat or nemesis

2009 November 5 12:59 AM

Kate or Die replied,

anything you need at underworld!!! 860 granville, we'll get you huckin huge slides in no time!!!

try some boards out at the chan centre saturday night if you can, that is your best bet to finding the right fit for you!

2009 November 5 3:22 PM

andrew...langley replied,

katie you make me giggle.....

2009 November 5 4:34 PM

Dave replied,

Thanks for the help, I'll look into those boards when I can. Also, I have work on Saturday til 10:30 pm, and trying to bus from tsawwassen and be back for the last bus might be difficult, but i'll see what i can do to get out there

2009 November 5 4:44 PM