
Why topmount and crail trucks?|

john doe posted,

What r topmount trucks like? And has anyone tried crail trucks?

I know you'll tell me to go to silverclit but I just wanna know what this shits like befoer i spend my money.

2009 November 8 10:26 PM

SLOTAAAA replied,

There is no such thing as "top Mount Trucks" but a top mount board with crails would work just fine!!

also i love my crails they are stable and great for carving if you have the right bushing combo deffinatly worth spending your money on!!

2009 November 8 10:42 PM

drewdub replied,

I was running Crails on my S9 race when I first got it and loved it. With the right bushing setup they feel super carvy and stable.
I'm gettin a 42'' race soon and I'll be settin it up with Crails. CANT WAIT!!

2009 November 8 10:45 PM

Zav replied,

Find someone with a topmount and/or crail trucks and
try it out..

2009 November 8 10:49 PM

Drake replied,

Crails are my least favorite truck the
bushing seat makes everything feel like
utter shit.

2009 November 8 10:52 PM

Killdozer replied,

I had Crails and liked them for about a week. Then the pivot bushing started to wear prematurely and created slop. Then the setup felt very unstable. They are otherwise well made, but the pivot bushings are the weak link. If you can find a new pivot bushing you'll be OK.

2009 November 11 1:21 PM