
british properties WARNING

Jarvis posted,

I would classify this more as a "take heed" than a warning, but the subject has already been made.

first things first: as many of you may know, at the tail end of this summer there was an "incident" involving a few skaters on the properties run, and as such translink has ordered the drivers of the whitby and BP busses not to drop us off at the usual locations.
this never really took effect and the bus drivers were all super nice and would drop us off anyways. this is where the warning comes in. I was skating the properties today and on the ride up the driver told me that it is now manditory for him to phone us in to dispatch. again in caps: THE DRIVER PHONES TRANSLINK DISPATCH AND GIVES THEM DESCRIPTIONS OF THE SKATERS. dispatch the decides whether or not it feels it would be necessary to send out for bylaw enforcers or the police. yes; the police. and apparently they've already taken some boards away.

I skated today and did a few weeks ago without any problems but as above, take heed

2009 November 27 2:44 PM


heres a warning to you

cops cant legally take away your
skateboard. that is your MEANS OF
they can still whack you with fines, but
legally have the right to your own
property and as long as it isnt being
used in an illegal manner, than too bad

2009 November 27 3:02 PM

Jarvis replied,

tyler is right; blankman should post with a name.

2009 November 27 3:17 PM


i believe its says....bombing your local hills...outrunning your local cops.....woot woot skate or fuckin die

2009 November 27 3:50 PM