
Raintree Longboards

Mike posted,

My buddy and I are chasing the dream, starting a
longboard manufacturing company...we are still in the
early stages but would really appreciate feedback on our
site. We are on a limited budget at this time, just trying to
turn a hobby into a full-time job.

Appreciate any feedback you have to offer.


2009 December 16 8:32 AM

Jarvis replied,

"hammer drop-through"

are you serious?

2009 December 16 2:14 PM

Terry replied,

cool boards
one stipulation though


2009 December 16 2:26 PM

some grom replied,

Hey they look good don't get discouraged by all the assholes lurking on Coast. Some of these chumps forget that there's more to longboarding than racing and standies. Your boards look damn fine

2009 December 16 5:02 PM

some grom replied,

Terry makes an interesting point, but it's worth a note that Raintree charges $50 less than LY for a similar board.

2009 December 16 5:06 PM

habib replied,

what the fuck is a shock pad? how long did it take to decide on which new fad you were going to try and suck blood from?

2009 December 16 8:22 PM

Leo replied,

looks sick!!!!!! rad style, i'd love to try a bunch of those

2009 December 17 7:28 AM

habib replied,

...well no shit sherlock. how many skaters do you know call their risers shock pads?

did you see the pictures of those kooks on those plywood boards? maybe i'm wrong but it seems kinda weak.

also, why are you all so fucking positive about goddamned everything? some things just fucking suck.

jesus. grow a pair.


the internets.

2009 December 17 8:57 PM

habib replied,

side note; my dick has bumps on it. thanks mom.

2009 December 17 9:00 PM


they may be shitty stupid looking boards,
but they arent made in CHINA!

2009 December 19 4:00 PM

Jarvis replied,

RE: Copycat

that's awesome. I like that you can have a sence of humour about this.

2009 December 20 10:31 AM