
Another Vidjah?

BadnerGram posted,

!!Saturdaya!! from BadnerGram on Vimeo.

I would have liked to have uploaded higher quality but noooo.. you tube had to be a dick and vimeo only has 500MB. So if you want to see the high quality stuff you can come over to my house and i'll show yah it

2009 December 18 1:40 AM

English replied,

how much acid have you done??

Justen, nice dancing

2009 December 18 12:54 PM

Gavin replied,

some may cwall it Shah Whah Shehn. i think i know that deer from work who is it, why is there a rock in and a pebble or 3 carelessly dropped on the ground?

2009 December 18 6:25 PM

Tristan replied,

The beginning in black and white was very David Lynch. Sweet stuff man!

2009 December 18 7:22 PM