
By-Law HELP!

Nik posted,

Hey, I've been having troubles with the By-Law here in Kamloops. Apparently it's against the by-law to ride a longboard almost anywhere in Kamloops. I was told that if I was caught riding on the travel portion of the road (aka the road) or anywhere else that isn't allowed, that I'll be given a 300$ ticket. I've already paid to get my longboards out of impound, I've been to court, I've had long detailed discussions with the By-Law supervisor in Kamloops and nothing. They still want us off the roads.

So, my question is, do you know where I can get information about longboarding laws on the coast. I know that longboards are considered an alternate means of transportation (like a bike), but I can't find it in writing. I'm trying to build a case to bring to the by-law that will hopefully get the laws changed to something like you have on the coast. If I can prove that longboarding is not only allowed, but encouraged on the coast, and that it doesn't cause significant problems for the city, then I'm sure I can get the laws changed here.

Anything that you could show me that could be useful would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your help!

2009 December 25 1:16 PM

pat replied,

anyone who knows anything more on the subject please help out!

2009 December 25 4:43 PM