

Joyceckw posted,

Dear Coasters: Awhile back I posted about Dasha needs help going to South Africa and winning the IGSA World Cup. That goal has been achieved and Dasha is #1 in Womens Downhill for 2009. Thank you for the contributions and feedback. You guys make me feel all warm and fuzzy. You are good people.
This is all because I set up Dasha with Ramon. She already knew him but would have never gotten together with him, without my interference. A love-skate relationship.
Good Fast Skateboarding all of you.
I need help. I'm in skateboard slalom and there are not that many people from Canada doing it. Chicks and Dudes, go practice. Its conecaine. They argue at, ncdsa and silverfish. Lots of contests and events to go to.

2009 December 26 7:07 AM

uvtqqzg replied,

cNZZ58 rbnftutxlbdr, [url=]fvlbuctafawx[/url], [link=]lvcfcjzkrdwg[/link],

2010 October 8 6:00 AM