

Jonny from the wack posted,

Im tired of chilliwacks lack of work, so im deciding to move to vancouver finally. Looking for the cheapest room i can get in a cool skate house if possible. Also looking for some work, i don't care what it is. I learn quick and im pretty patient. Let me know what ya got.

2010 January 1 7:00 PM

charls replied,

hey jhonny when you movin out here?
cheepest rents for places are gunna be for march after the olimpix the rents are super high rate now cus of the olimpix, there all milking it. i should know wether or not im gunna be able to move into the stoop by feb and if not then id be down to get a place with you for march if your down, lets start a skate house!
as for work im still looking myself!!

talk soon. charlie

2010 January 1 8:04 PM


Whoa charls made a post with no spelling
mistakes! awesome

2010 January 3 12:01 PM