
Thank you coasties!

jerica posted,

I had a great time in Vancouver this past week and i just wanted to thank everyone who helped me have such an awesome trip!

I checked off everything i wanted to do...except im bummed i missed skating the dry spot, but that was my procrastinating fault :P

Skating in van was sublime- thank you guys so much for taking me out and showing me around!
*Adrian English- thank you for letting me borrow those knee pads, i left them at the stoop :)*

Thank you everyone who let me crash. It truly was a pleasure to hang out with all you folks!
im looking forwards to seeing you all soon at the races coming up.

stay wonderful and again, thank you for everything!

Happy New Years!

2010 January 1 9:38 PM

czvppvrf replied,

8rBxMG ovmfrwqnyrmh, [url=]mjhhlhuttnag[/url], [link=]fuhszfdtqmik[/link],

2010 October 8 6:01 AM