
knee pads in van

sixohfour posted,

alright so i've been going from bike store to bike store looking for knee pads, not full knee and shin pads.

tell me where you bought yours!! store and location! i am sick of going from store to store looking for something suitable, and not being able to find something...

thank you

2010 January 9 3:18 PM

phil - the surgeon replied,

The Boardroom should still be carrying Triple 8 pads but I haven't been there lately so I can't say for sure. Landyachtz carries 187 pads too.

2010 January 9 3:25 PM

peter replied,

landyachtz, one of my friends uses the ones from
them, but i prefer full shin pads they add more
protection other then just you knees. same with elbow
pads, cant even begin to tell you how many times
they've saved me road rash.

2010 January 10 9:03 PM

jacob replied,

ya landy pads are the best.

2010 January 11 10:16 AM