

jake posted,

me and my girlfriend are going for a cruise earlyish like 10am or so tomrrow to hit some mellow stuff around langley/aldergrove area. i got a car going to see what we can find. anybody wants to join your welcome to but my car will only hold like 3 extra people!! so leave a post!!!!

2010 March 4 8:25 PM

heidi replied,

Where you two cruising the one way tonight? If so Katie and I were the two girls you passed taking boards out of the car.
We are off to North Van tomorrow. But would love to meet up sometime. I live in the apartments above th storefronts you saw us at.
Give me a shout sometime and leave a message with your number...778-968-0405

2010 March 4 11:08 PM

Kacy replied,

missed it, but next time I'm in

2010 March 8 9:32 PM