
Comet FSM Nose Guard

New Guy posted,

Hey, I've got a drop through FSM in the mail,
and I've been hearing a lot of mixed
opinions about its durability... Do you guys
think it would be a good idea to buy some
Bomb Squad nose guards? They're listed as
$25 on the site (I don't know if it's for one or
both, though)

I'm relatively heavy, and have pretty much no
experience with drop through mountings,
ergo I'm kind of scared I'll snap off an end of
a $150 deck.

2010 March 12 1:03 AM

Misha replied,

the price is for one nose guard.
I can say from experience if you are gonna thrash your
board then a nose guard will extend the life of your
board significantly. the only thing left intact on my
old hellcat is the nose and that is because of the nose
guard. that being said its not that hard to make your
own if you don't wanna spend the cash

2010 March 12 1:15 AM