

charls posted,

hey today at 11am at braid skytrain stn in burnaby there
is going to be a white pride march! come protest against
these racist ignorents! and let them know that being a
prejetist notzi is not cool!
there should be a good turn out to shut these basterds
this is proof that racisim still egsists and is believed in
and that the people still have to fight for freedome and

hope to see you out there!

the clit.

2010 March 21 10:01 AM

Jenny replied,

How absolutely ridiculous. It's a longboarding forum, so I won't turn this into a debate about the ignorance and benightedness of racists, but Charlie,I do want to thank you for taking the initiative and going out there to express your opinions and assert your right to defend equality for all.

I'm working today but you're in my thoughts. I'm Proud of you!

2010 March 21 11:23 AM

habib replied,

first off, coast isn't just a longboarding forum. it's a community.

second, showing opposition to an ideology is not racism.

thirdly, an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind? fuck that. can't get much accomplished when you're sitting on the fence.

kill these racist fucks with fire. i hope they get their asses beat down today.

2010 March 21 2:54 PM